Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mistaken Me

The funniest part of committing a mistake is that the human mind starts thinking that its the end of the world.
I made a mistake and my current state of mind is " god damn it! someone somehow fix this, else what will happen... may be i shouldn't have done it... may be i should have told it in the first place... why the hell did I do what I did?", are few things that kill you.

The worst feeling to have at this time is the hope which we have that "somehow it should be alright" . I am unable to imagine what would it feel like if we come to know once the mistake is done and we are not afraid of the consequence, say like what could be the worst, it will be rectified some how right?. Obviously you have not made the mistake of the century, if you did you should feel proud about it, isn't it??
May the feeling of humiliation is what triggers all the questions I have mentioned above, may be the fear of not getting the appreciation. All these are just "May be". If one could train the mind that humiliation is the place where one learns the reason for the mistake and not some immediate fix which might provide the relief but blinds us from the reason. Appreciations can be gained again when you know what you did wrong.

Alas, we are made the way we are mentally where the first thing that comes to mind is panic, fear, hunt for immediate cover up.
I wonder if I would not panic myself over the mistake I made today?

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